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Please note - All workshops run by Kate are inclusive and accessible. No drawing, painting, creative experience, or technical ability is required, or needed, to attend Kate’s workshops.

Materials are provided unless otherwise specified.

Talk: Dr Vawdrey and pioneering Art Therapy at the Graylingwell Asylum

Graylingwell Chapel, Chichester, PO19 6BZ

Tuesday 23rd May 2023 - Start:6:30pm (Doors 6PM)


Learn about the incredible pioneering work of Dr Vawdrey that took place at the West Sussex County Asylum at Graylingwell Hospital. Take a step into the past to find out how Dr Vawdrey used art as therapeutic treatment for patients for over two decades. This method was entirely new, helping patients unable to express themselves effectively through words alone. His work led to the NHS developing art therapy as a formalised clinical treatment.

Kate will be explaining how this work was brought back to life as part of the exciting Graylingwell Heritage Lottery Project (2014-2015) which saw artists work with the community to archive, exhibit and respond to this work.

Tickets available through Ticket Source

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